Most Spiritual Places In The World

March 9, 2023

Traveling is a unique way for individuals to find themselves and explore the bountiful gifts Earth has to offer. Many destinations across the globe provide incredible opportunities for getting in touch with one's inner self. There are countless places perfect for doing just that for religious and non-religious tourists alike. With this in mind, here is a list of the greatest sites around the world many travelers find it shocking to know are real. They should all be considered by any globetrotters who are looking for a spiritual trip.

The Holy Vatican City

Leaders and common faithful practitioners travel from across the world to Vatican City, a sovereign state within Rome, Italy, for the opportunity to experience religious and historical holiness. Apart from possessing the seat of the papacy, designed in just 110 acres, Vatican City is home to top worlds artworks such as The Sistine Chapel and The School Of Athens. Rumored to be built over the crucified and buried remains of St. Peter himself, the square is in itself a work of art, designed in part by Gian Lorenzo Bernini, and is intended to embrace visitors with architectural open arms. As a holy icon in the Roman Catholic Church, St. Peter’s Basilica is the worldwide center for pilgrimage.

Vatican City may be an incredibly holy place full of hope and prayer, but the mystery of the next spiritual destination is simply impalpable.

Mysterious Stonehenge

Stonehenge, located two miles west of Amesbury, United Kingdom, is often considered one of Earth’s great mysteries, as the original purpose of and construction tactics behind this circular stone ring remain unknown. The estimated construction of this impressive monument typically ranges from 2500 BC to 3100 BC. Described to be an unexplainable and eerie sensation, Stonehenge has become a significant spiritual place for those looking to connect with old humanity and experience a historical landmark. Academics have assumed the stone circle was used for a few reasons, such as for ritualistic community purposes and astronomical alignment along with other stone circles across the British Isles. The biggest Stonehenge stones, constructed out of large Sarsen boulders, are estimated to weigh thirty to forty tons and stand at twenty-two feet tall.

With much of the great wonders of Stonehenge still left a mystery, it's no wonder tourists flock to this monument. The next stop, however, is a palace with enlightening attractive features.

The Grand Potala Palace

Lhasa, Tibet, is home to the Potala Palace, a magnificent representation of faith-based richness and formidable dedication. Regarded as one of the holiest Buddhist buildings, the Potala Palace plays host to the Dalai Lama and Buddhist monks actively practicing their religion. Sitting high above common reverent structures on the side of Marpo Ri (Red Mountain) at an altitude of approximately 12,100 feet, thousands of travelers visit this historical site in search of a deeper connection and to experience intense spiritual contact. Those looking for a spiritual trip destination would do well to travel to Lhasa’s crowned jewel. To top it all off, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) officially deemed Potala a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1994.

Ready to move forward to the next destination? It's full of ancient stories and myths enthralling to all those who visit.

Mythological Parthenon

Parthenon, on the Athenian Acropolis in Athens, Greece is an extraordinary structure serving a faith-based role in Greek mythology. Reportedly built between 447 BC and 438 BC, the currently standing remains of Parthenon were constructed as a replacement for the original Parthenon I building. Parthenon was built in honor or Greek goddess Athena, patron of Greek citizens, and maintains classical Greek architecture by design. Parthenon is constructed out of white Pentelic marble and maintains a weathered but impressive structure to this day. Millions of tourists travel to this spiritual destination annually for the experience of strong religious connection paired with mythological belief.

With questions about mythological prayer behind, the next stop is an incredibly important site for the indigenous population in Australia.

Striking Uluru

Uluru, also referred to as Ayer's Rock, is located 208 miles southwest of Alice Springs in Northern Territory, Australia. Uluru is a famous sandstone monolith that stands in isolation at 1142 feet high, though much of it does lie underground, and has a circumference of 5.8 miles. This spiritual wonder is also a UNESCO World Heritage site, attracts thousands of travelers every year and many who have visited Uluru claim viewing a sunrise or sunset there is one of the most beautiful scenes they have ever witnessed.

Uluru produces a divine essence for all who experience its impressive size and is sacred to the Aboriginal people of the area, the Pitjantjatjara Anangu. The Anangu do not make the climb as the trail up Uluru crosses a sacred Dreamtime track, and they do ask tourists to respect the sacred nature of Uluru and refrain from climbing as well. Currently, the climb is not prohibited, but in November 2017, the Uluṟu–Kata Tjuṯa National Park board voted to impose a ban on climbing, with the rule to take effect in October 2019. Aside from asking to refrain from climbing Uluru, the Anangu also ask tourists to avoid photographing certain sections, as these areas are sites of rituals linked to gender that the opposite sex Anangu must not see, and no photographs prevent them from unwittingly seeing these places in the outside world.

The next spiritual place on this list is what many have come to refer to as the lost city in South America.

The Historical Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu, located in the Andes Mountains in Peru, is said to be integrated into the culture of the Inca people, a once prominent population, and is an incredible sight to see. The history and true purpose of this devotional site is still partly a mystery to academics around the world. Machu Picchu's estimated construction dates back to the 15th century, and it is suspected to have been an estate for religious and royal leaders of the Inca citizenry. Inca’s believed in a bond between their peoples and the earth, worshipping the sun, moon, and Earth as gods, explaining the natural springs and lush vegetation surrounding the natural construction of this devotional cradle. Many journeys to Peru’s gem in search of the long sought-after spiritual connection the indigenous people here have held dear for generations.

Machu Picchu is sure to thrill many who travel to the unique hideaway, however, following is an astounding treasure where historical religious steps have been taken.

All Encompassing Mahabodhi Temple

The Mahabodhi Temple, which translates to Great Awakening Temple, is located in Bodh Gaya, India. This building is a critical structure in the heart of the Buddhist pious as it is reportedly where the Lord Buddha, otherwise known as Siddhārtha Gautama, found enlightenment in his holiness. Located in the temple is the holy Bodhi Tree, where those of the Buddhism religion may practice their beliefs. The Mahabodhi Temple is one of four holy sites related to the Lord Buddha and is thus a favored destination for travelers looking to experience a spiritual awakening of their own. As a UNESCO World Heritage site, this spot should be at the top of any looking for an eye-opening journey.

The Mahabodhi Temple is not the only location capable of great religious moments. The next destination is perhaps one of the most crucial religious elements ever to exist.

Great Mosque Of Mecca

In Islam religion, there is no holier place in the world than the Great Mosque of Mecca, otherwise known as Haram, in Saudi Arabia. As far as spiritual goes, this is the pinnacle of devout treasures because of what it holds. With a vast size of ninety-nine acres, the Great Mosque of Mecca is capable of holding up to four million worshippers during Hajj (prayer). However, it is not the capacity of worshippers that makes this location so important; it is the Kaaba held in the center which is the most precious of all Muslim structures. All Muslims in the world face towards Kaaba during prayer as it is the non-secular compass for Islam. Therefore, all looking for an incredible and overwhelming spiritual phenomenon would do well to observe the Great Mosque during Hajj, though reports indicate this must be from the outside, as it is said only Muslims are permitted inside.

The next location dedicated to holiness and spiritualness was featured on one season of an incredibly popular reality television show.

Soul-Finding Temple Of Angkor Wat

Located in the northern province Siem Reap, Cambodia, is the Temple of Angkor Wat, a non-secular icon in Southeast Asia. Angkor Wat, another UNESCO World Heritage site, is known as the largest religious monument in the world at 402 acres. Supposedly constructed between 802 AD and 1220 AD, Angkor Wat was home to the Khmer Kingdom for centuries and has become a huge tourist attraction. Many visit this Cambodia hot-spot and deem it to have incredible energy, making for a sensational experience. Although the location-based reason for Angkor’s site is unknown and full of speculation, the atmospheric beauty is unmatched.

To be spiritual is not necessarily to be embedded in religious ties. Sometimes, all that is needed is a place of pure substance and memories to touch the human soul. This brings the last location on this list to the forefront

Melancholy Omaha Beach

Omaha Beach achieves its spot as a spiritual destination as an incredibly important historical location in Normandy, France. For those who know their military history, Omaha Beach was the location of one of the highest-casualty battles during the codenamed Operation Neptune, commonly referred to as D-Day, which took place on June 6th, 1944.

Today, Omaha Beach has a memorial in honor of the brave soldiers who fought and gave their lives in pursuit of liberty and freedom. Many come to Omaha Beach to pray and thank those who made the ultimate sacrifice for loved ones back home. Although this beach is often considered a sorrowful location, visitors are encouraged to enjoy local businesses here or appreciate all the beautiful beach and this part of France have to offer.

Each one of these spiritual destinations around the world is sure to leave travelers changed for the rest of their lives.

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