Top Places In The United States To Find Wildlife In Their Natural Habitat

November 16, 2023

Hey Tourist! Viewing wildlife is an awesome experience for the young, the old, and everyone in between. Whether someone is a nature lover or they are more drawn to city life, something is inspiring and breathtaking about catching a glimpse of wildlife in their natural habitat. From bison to wolves, and all sorts of creatures in between, the United States has plenty of places with breathtaking scenery and even greater views of its wildlife.

Read on for a list of ten of the best places in the United States to see wildlife in their natural environments.

Badlands National Park in South Dakota
US Department of Interior

Made up of over 244,000 acres and known for being one of the largest fossil areas on the planet, it is home to a large number of prairie dogs. It is also the home of the reintroduction of the black-footed ferret which is considered to be one of the most endangered mammal species in North America. Also roaming one will find bison, bighorn sheep, the swift fox as well as many antelope and deer sightings. These lands are protected since the lands redesignation into a national park back in 1978 and offer lush vegetation for the fauna that lives here to consume. These lands even have a great Native American history that stretches back to over eleven thousand years of rich culture and tradition.

Glacier National Park in Montana

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

This park gets its name from its terrain, which was carved by glaciers. It offers spectacular views complete with a large amount of wildlife. It boasts a large population of mountain goats, including an all-white mountain goat that is quite spectacular to the eye. It is also home to beavers, deer, elk, bears, the golden eagle, and nearly any other type of animal typically found in mountainous terrain. As part of the Rocky Mountains, this National Park is comprised of 1,538 square miles full of amazing sites to see. Not only is there a large selection of fauna for visitors to see and take pictures of, but there is also an extensive hiking terrain that offers a weekend full of exploration and fun for all, stretching approximately seven hundred miles.

Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado

Elk, coyotes, bighorn sheep, black bears, and even gray wolf are indigenous to these lands in the Rocky Mountain National Park located within scenic Colorado. More than just fauna can be seen in this park with spectacular views of the Rocky Mountains. A small number of moose has been reported here as well as mule deer and lynx making for an incredibly diverse and delicate biosphere. It is a great location for viewing coyotes in their natural habitat, an opportunity that is scarcely seen across some states and prime times for catching wildlife in their prime moments are early mornings or later evenings. Visitors staying for multiple days should keep in mind that deer are creatures of habit and will be likely found in the same areas at similar times each day, making it ideal for photography and repetitive sightings.

Channel Islands National Park in California
National Park Service

A large number of beaches in this national park make it an excellent spot for animals who are eager for the refreshing water as well as lush and copious amounts of vegetation on land. This is home to the largest number of elephant seals, over fifty thousand during their breeding season which makes the Channel Islands National Park in California one of the more sought-after animal sighting destinations to seek out. It is also home to several other types of seals, as well as sea lions and the great blue whale can even be viewed from this nearly two thousand five hundred miles of coastline. There are also various caves around which are ideal for exploring for a day either in popular areas easy for self-exploration or guided tours making for a fun way to spend an afternoon before or after fauna viewings.

Everglades National Park in Florida
National Park

Everglades National Park in Florida is most definitely a spectacular destination for viewing wildlife, especially due to it's prized residents. Home to alligators and crocodiles, side by side, many guests will finally learn to distinguish between the two at Everglades, especially with the help of educators working for the park. This park is also home to manatees and many varieties of birds which adds to the diversity of the fauna species available to see. However, with all the excitement on land, visitors should also get ready for a boat ride, as the largest variety of wildlife is viewed from the water. Also, sight-seers are encouraged to use canoes to explore the Snakebite and Chokoloskee Bays a freshwater paddling area to see everything from mammals, to insects and even amphibians.

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